why choose us


DPHU is an Afro-European research and innovation network.




DPHU was first registered in Africa in the DRC, then the founders decided, as part of internationalization, to create extensions in the USA (Delaware State) and the European Union (Finland). After that, DPHU created information and communication offices in the form of recruitment companies in Zambia, Uganda, Burundi, Niger, and Burkina Faso.


Teaching and facilitating open and distance online education in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Country Authorizations

DPHU has authorizations from the Ministries of Higher Education, University Research and Innovation of African countries: DRC, Cameroon, Niger.

University Governance

DPHU, as an International Institution, has a University Council with different nationalities (https://dphu.org/university-governance/)

12 collaboration advantages

In terms of research

By collaborating with DPHU, American universities will have the advantage and access to collaborate, by extension, with DPHU’s research partners, which are:

  1. Afro-European Medicine and Research Network (https://aemrnetwork.ch/)
  2. Applied Research Group for Innovation Development in Africa (https://gradiaf-france.org/)
  3. Agro-veterinary and Environmental Research Center in Congo
  4. International Center for Pluridisciplinary Research (https://cirep.net/)
  5. International Network of Private Higher Education Institutions in the CAMES Space (RIDEPES/CAMES)
  6. “University without Borders for an Open Society” Journal (http://rufso.org/Journal/rjsse/)

In terms of annual international conferences

  1. DPHU donated drones to improve research in universities. Thus, DPHU organizes an annual international conference at the University of Douala in Cameroon, the University of Kara in Togo, and the Nazi Boni University in Burkina Faso, which are government universities. The conference disseminates research results and holds roundtable discussions about new research tools, bringing together researchers from different partner universities in Africa and surrounding companies so that these research results become ingredients for innovations in enterprises. American partner universities will be associated or invited to these annual events.

In terms of marketing and recruitment in Africa:

  1. DPHU has collaborated with universities in more than 20 African countries (https://dphu.org/#toggle-id-10). Thus, American universities can easily have jointly managed students in these countries where DPHU has university collaborations.

In terms of Joint Academic Program Management:

  1. DPHU is considered a platform for managing and facilitating the diaspora because a member of the diaspora can study while being outside of their country and through DPHU’s LMS platform, takes courses at a university in their home country, and obtains a degree from a university in their country.
  2. DPHU is considered a portal for the joint management of academic programs of its partner universities: 3/4 or 75% of the programs of certain partner universities of DPHU are managed by DPHU on its platform for seminars and theoretical courses and facilitation centers or mentoring centers for in-person sessions (Gabon, DRC, Cameroon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Tanzania).
  3. Through DPHU and its mentoring centers in Africa, American universities find a research ground, mobility of researchers, international internships, sabbatical years, international conferences, cultural exchanges, virtual library and laboratory exchanges, and the sale of university productions through export and import approaches.

In terms of International Federation of University Sports:

  1. DPHU allows its African university partners to participate in annual matches or games organized in Europe, especially in Belgium, Italy, Russia, and other countries.